Dear EF Academy Community at large,
Halloween greetings from a very warm New York. The weather has been unseasonably warm around here and we are enjoying every bit of it. This unique holiday Halloween originates from right here in the town of Sleepy Hollow, just around the corner from us. Thank you to our National Honor Society for putting up an amazing Halloween party last Friday, where adults and students alike shined in a different light, check out some of the pictures!
But of course, we are a school and while celebrations are important and fun, we do focus on our academics; our grade 12 students are working hard on their university applications, and all other students are deeply immersed in their studies. I am very grateful to those of you who were able to attend our Parent-Teacher Conferences earlier this week. I always maintain the success of every student is a trifold effort: that of the student, the school, and the family, hence, the connection of all three parties is critical for the success of our young ones.
Below, you will find many interesting events that took place at our campus, which never stops, much like the city of New York, there must be a direct connection between how busy we are and our location.
Our fall sports season is coming to an end, and I would be remiss not to highlight our most successful cross-country team. Just yesterday, our boys won our League Championship, and our own Yuki Yasuhisa and Emma Greiderer placed first yet again, winning the individual championship. I am sorry for my bias here; I do help coach that team.
Last but not least, I would like to highlight our Grade 12 student Yuki Yasuhisa and his family as they performed at Carnegie Hall, celebrating Japanese culture. We are so very proud of them and their accomplishment!
I will wrap up for now wishing you all
To be well,
To do good work,
And to stay in touch.
Until next time,
Dr. Vladimir D. Kuskovski
Head of School, EF Academy New York
Upcoming activities:
The first month of school has been filled with fun activities and trips! This upcoming month, plan to see:
Holiday Decoration
Movie Nights
Bonfires, Smores, and Hot Chocolate in the Courtyard
Cooking classes
New York City excursions
Shopping mall trips
Video game tournaments
Volleyball and Basketball games in the Gym
..and so much more!
Upcoming Important Dates
Winter Break
Students may begin departing campus after 12:00pm EST on December 11 and must depart by no later than 3:00pm EST on December 12. Flights should be arranged to accommodate these campus departure times.
Students should plan to return to campus on January 9. Flights should always be booked to arrive between 6:00 am and 8:00 pm EST.
Spring Break
Students may begin departing campus after 12:00pm on March 5 and must depart by no later than 3:00pm EST on March 6. Flights should be arranged to accommodate these campus departure times.
Students should plan to return to campus on March 25. Flights should always be booked to arrive between 6:00 am and 8:00 pm EST.
End of Year Departures
Grade 12 students must depart after Graduation on May 24 after 2:00pm EST and should plan to leave campus by no later than 11:00pm EST on May 24.
Grade 9, Grade 10 and Grade 11 students may start departing from campus at 12:00pm EST on May 23rd. There will be no departures leaving from 12:00am – 2:00pm on May 24 (flights cannot depart until 7:00pm) to accommodate for our graduation ceremony. Departures will then continue with the latest departure time of 3:00pm on May 25.
For your convenience, you can find this year's academic calendar here.