Dream Bigger 學校獎學金

申請截止日期: 2023年2月15日

你敢dream bigger嗎?

EF Academy 國際寄宿中學為學生打開了一個充滿機遇的世界,為他們提供變革性的國際化海外教育、為大學做好充分準備和無國界的未來。

2月15日前完成申請將有資格獲得 EF Academy Dream Bigger 學校獎學金

此獎學金接受所有 2023年2月15日前完成紐約、南加州或牛津入學申請的 EF Academy之準學生。學費由英鎊49,500起。獲取錄之學生有機會在第一學年獲得最高美金7,000或英鎊5,700的獎學金資助。












  • 所有在2023年2月15日之前完成申請的9 — 11年級的 EF Academy 準學生。*所有入學程序必須於2023年2月28日前完成。

  • 詳情請聯繫我們香港的 EF Academy 招生部。

  • 不可以,Dream Bigger 獎學金僅在入學的第一年提供申請。




  • 課程:IB國際預科文憑、美國高中文憑

  • 來自60多個國家的650多名學生

  • 平均班人數:13

  • 距紐約市中心 45 分鐘車程


  • 課程:美國高中文憑、大學預修課程 (AP)

  • 來自60多個國家的700名學生

  • 平均班人數:12

  • 距洛杉磯 30 分鐘車程


  • 課程:IB國際預科文憑及A-Levels

  • 來自60多個國家的200名學生

  • 平均班人數:12

  • 距倫敦 50 分鐘車程

  • 我們學生的話

In our student's words



The latest from our campuses

See what's happening on campus at @efacademylife

Studying at EF Academy

EF Academy offers students aged 13-19 a superior international education abroad.

Here's how:


  • Confidence, independence, resilience, time-management, intercultural competency – these are just a few of the countless skills gained when studying at a high school in the US or Oxford. At EF Academy, students from over 60 countries live and learn together in small, discussion-based classes. Learning is taken beyond the classroom through experiential opportunities that help you understand subject material on a deeper level. And, with 24/7 personalized support and guidance on campus, you can create a home away from home and learn in a safe, structured community.

  • Like most high schools, our typical day combines a mix of classes, study sessions and meal breaks. But what sets us apart is the academic depth done through intercultural exchange, one-to-one mentoring and experiential learning opportunities. Research shows that 2/3 of a student’s academic performance is determined by factors outside of class. Our students’ use the after-school time to build essential skills for university through clubs, sports, study sessions and other hands-on activities.

  • Taking part in clubs, activities and sports is a great way for students to explore their interests, make friends and feel at home in the US and Oxford. In addition to after-school activities like Cheerleading, Music Club or Coding Club, we organize weekend trips to explore local attractions – such as going to see a Broadway show, surfing in California or visiting prestigious universities.

  • There are many touchpoints for support and guidance. Admissions Consultants walk families through the program and campus selection process. Each student is assigned a Pathway Manager who monitors their progress throughout the year, both academically and personally. Resident Advisors help students get acclimated to living independently in the residences. Teachers support students in class and during office hours and tutoring sessions. University advisors guide students with their university applications. This 360 support system means that students (and parents) always have someone to turn to whenever they need support.

  • Absolutely! Safety is the number one priority at EF Academy. Our faculty, staff and admissions teams are sensitive to what it means for parents to let their children study abroad. Everyone who works at our schools has been carefully trained, screened and interviewed for suitability in an international boarding school environment. Our campuses are secure and monitored by safety staff and security cameras 24/7. We also maintain a global communications network so there will always be someone parents can get in touch with, on campus or in their home country.

  • Our Admissions Consultants will be happy to schedule a personal consultation with you to tell you more about our high schools.