A truly global school: classmates from 30+ nationalities

Few other schools can match the “mini-UN" vibe of an EF Academy campus. Virtually every class, activity and event becomes “global studies". You’re constantly expanding your worldview with multiple perspectives while sharing your own culture and traditions.

Cultivating critical thinking through diversity

Because our students come from all over the world, our classroom discussions become much richer. Classes like Theory of Knowledge, where we evaluate how we know things, include discussions on recent events in the global news and debates over the ethical dilemmas that constantly arise. Emma Gernez, Head of Language and Literature, describes that what she loves most in Theory of Knowledge is “when students who had a fixed point of view see themselves confronted by other perspectives from students from a different country and realize answers are not as easy as they had thought. This is their critical thinking taking shape, and it would take longer to develop if all students came from the same country and the same background.”

Every class is global studies

Since you and your classmates come from 30+ countries, we carefully design every class so you can add your unique voices to the discussion. In this way, you begin to teach each other and enrich everyone’s understanding with multiple perspectives. You also get daily practice in listening to diverse points of view, asking questions, engaging in discourse, and building bridges of understanding and respect across cultures and ideas.

We take you out of your comfort zone!

On day one, you’re assigned to classes, advisory groups, and house communities with students who come from just about everywhere imaginable. The whole point of our global community is to learn how to navigate differences. Together, you begin to share your culture, find common ground, and embrace diversity as a superpower—all important skills for navigating an ever-shrinking world.

What Amina enjoys most about EF Academy...


Personalized education—one size never fits all

Every student is unique—that’s why every learning journey must be unique. We craft a custom pathway just for you, based on your talents and strengths.

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