Mastery of skills, not memorization of facts
Here, you learn how to think—the real secret to success. All your courses are designed around the skills and knowledge you will need to flourish in life, not just facts and figures to pass the next test. Because it’s not the knowledge itself that’s important. It’s how you use it.
How the Learning and Knowledge Program strengthens student skills
Every EF Academy student participates in our Learning and Knowledge Program. While all classes at EF Academy incorporate a form of critical thinking and problem-solving, classes within the Learning and Knowledge Program are built upon the foundation of philosophy, attention to detail, and creating a “play mindset.” Based upon the core element of the International Baccalaureate Diploma, Theory of Knowledge, you are given the opportunity to participate in university-level thinking, regardless of your diploma program track.
The focus is on true learning
Our approach shifts the focus from “How do I get an A on this test?” to “What knowledge do I need to acquire, and what skills do I need to work on?” You get continual feedback from your teachers throughout the entire year, reducing test anxiety while freeing you up to focus on your true learning and development—what real education should be.
We only design classes that are skills-based
Every single class you take, whether that’s English, chemistry, or computer science, is carefully designed so that you are gaining both knowledge in that subject and practical skills that you can use throughout your life. In the case of English, for example, you learn how to analyze a text using the core competency of critical thinking to determine whether what you’re reading is based on fact or opinion.
You always produce evidence of what you've learned
Just like in real life, it’s important to prove your understanding of a topic with concrete examples of how you’ve applied the knowledge. At EF Academy, your grades will reflect the quality of your work and mastery of key skills, not just the average of the quizzes and tests you take. Get ready to collaborate on projects and create original works that solve real-world problems with practical solutions.
Learning objectives of the Learning and Knowledge Program
You grow throughout the duration of this program as you navigate courses that build upon themselves across all four years. By graduation, you will have improved your growth mindset through critical thinking and plasticity, your adaptability through interdisciplinary learning and tenacity, and finally, your play mindset through philosophy and attention to detail. Students will be able to take these skills into any classroom or career and will find fascination in everything they study.
How Nyah get's to see every aspect of her learning...
Great teachers who are experts in their field
A great education always starts with great teachers. Over 90% of our faculty members have advanced degrees. Our teachers share their deep knowledge and real-world experience to inspire the best in you.
The EF Academy difference
Our Philosophy
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