The EF Academy Student Profile

Each trait of the EF Academy Student Profile forms an essential part of what we believe makes a well-rounded citizen prepared to thrive in a globalized, multicultural world.

Students are accepted to EF Academy based on the ideals of the EF Academy Student Profile: Learners, Leaders, Scholars and Global Citizens.


  • Thinks critically and asks questions to deepen understanding

  • Finds joy in learning new skills and information

  • Takes responsible risks to enhance learning

  • Learns both independently and in groups

  • Accepts, reflects on, and learns from mistakes


  • Accepts new responsibilities and challenges

  • Stands up for the dignity of others

  • Communicates with clarity

  • Endeavors to protect our planet

  • Inspires and collaborates with others


  • Engages with current events

  • Gathers and synthesizes information across a variety of media

  • Uses evolving technologies skillfully

  • Pursues their passions

  • Thinks both analytically and imaginatively

Global citizen

  • Considers alternative viewpoints

  • Discusses conflicting perspectives respectfully

  • Perseveres through challenges

  • Makes a positive difference in the world

  • Appreciates the interconnectedness of all peoples

Begin your high school journey

Take the first step towards transforming your education at EF Academy.

À propos d'EF Academy

Étudier dans un lycée privé international EF Academy, c'est opter pour une expérience en internat qui transforme les étudiants et leur donne toutes les compétences pour exceller. Aux côtés d'élèves de 75 pays, vous préparez un avenir qui s'affranchira des frontières.